Dive deeper to uncover hidden talent
Discussions about talent management systems can lead to many places. Many companies use multiple sources to accomplish their talent management needs: a recruiter to find people; different motivation systems attempting to engage employees; and advance, or develop, people through internal managers measuring performance with basic performance indicators. However, It is rare for all these pieces to fit together or build on each other. These systems are also unlikely to have any relevance to the job itself.
What if…
… The job could talk? What skills and talents would the job ask for?
… You had a specific job benchmark with Key Accountabilities for every job? How much more accurate could your hires be?
… You could base performance evaluations on specific Key Results Indicators required by the job? How much would productivity increase?
… You could eliminate the natural biases inherently part of most processes?
… One program enabled you to Discover the right talent, Engage current staff, Advance your high potentials and Perform at a higher level based on critical factors or performance indicators of the job?
TTI Success Insights has a complete suite of tools to empower you to do just that. We call it D.E.A.P – Discover, Engage, Advance, and Perform.
The Method to Stop the Madness
Let’s take a closer look at the D.E.A.P. graphic. Around the outside, you can start at any of the four positions.
Let’s start with Discover. When you can eliminate natural bias, it allows you to discover new hires who fit the needs of the job and not the person you “like” the best. You know … that person you “loved” who impressed everyone in their interview but then you had to let them go six months later.
This also works well with existing employees because sometimes the person you are looking for is already in the organization. Again, eliminating the natural bias we have to look outside the organization instead of discovering the talent needed by the job that you may already have in existing employees.
Engage is a big one for many organizations. Engagement is a hot topic in the industry and has been for the last few years. More specifically, engagement is low in many companies. Some studies report more than 70% of employees have some level of disengagement.
If your company’s engagement level is low, it is likely that your productivity level is also low. Gallup’s 2013 State of the American Workforce reports that companies with above average engagement have 38% above average productivity and 50% higher sales, which leads to 27% higher profits. Wouldn’t you like to increase your profits by 27%? Can you see why this impact to the bottom line makes engagement is such a hot topic?
Advance can play out in many ways. Whether you are trying to advance the culture of the organization or are looking for the right person to fill an executive position, our system eliminates the guesswork.
Training and development shouldn’t be “one size fits all.” You should look at what the job requires to discover what natural talents the person has and then create a specific development plan.
Guess what happens when you recognize the talents of existing employees by advancing and developing their career? Engaged and motivated employee, that is what happens. Plus, you have a succession plan with a pool of high potential people ready to move up or ready for training and coaching.
Perform is sometimes an overused word. However, having key performance indicators (KPIs) are critical to success in most jobs. In most cases, these KPIs are determined and based on the history of a position or someone’s idea of how the position should function. The potential for bias is very high. This bias can lead performance away from what the job truly needs for success.
A Deeper Dive
Now, take a look at the center of the D.E.A.P. image. This element of the TTI SI logo further illustrates how our assessment tools work in harmony to uncover and harness hidden skills and talent.
You will see that DISC, maybe the most widely used assessment in the industry, is on the top or on the surface. Think of the logo as an iceberg. We have all heard the expression “the tip of the iceberg” and that the majority is below the surface. That is also true for people.
So what are we measuring below the surface? Driving Forces, Acumen, Skills, and even EQ (emotional quotient).
Consider DISC, what is on the surface, as “how” a person likes to do what they do. Next, think of Driving Forces as “why” a person does what they do. Then Acumen is “what they can do” and Skills is a measure of “what they have been recognized for.” Now in this mix is also their EQ, we refer to the EQ as “how they handle” the situations in life they encounter. We recommend this very critical tool to increase understanding and self-awareness because EQ is critical in all jobs.
Pairing our DISC assessment with our other tools helps you measure the “why, how and what” of a person – driving forces, emotional intelligence and skills – with up to 94% accuracy (independent 2012 study). Imagine what that kind of accuracy could do to increase your profits – no bad hires and engaged employees who perform at a high level.
If you really want to impact your organization’s bottom line, reach out to us today. We are ready to help you dive D.E.A.P into your organizational needs to find and harness the hidden talents of your existing and future team members.